Jamaican Police Officer Speaks About Being Placed On Suicide Watch By JCF


This Jamaican policeman speaks about being stressed and having a hard time battling depression.

He talks about how he has been treated by the JCF and it really highlights some serious issues.

He hardly gets any support and they have also out this man’s life in danger as well as the public.

Watch the video and let me know what you think.


  1. Real sad. He seems like a little high school kid meaning in he doesn”t seem ready 4 that kind of job. It pains my heart to c this especially when he talks about the way he’s been treated by his peers. It affected me 2 the point wherein I have a cousin who is a senior officer in another division .i gave him this young man’s name and station n beg him to assist him with counselling n prayer. Though I,m far away thats d best I can do as a fellow Jamaican. This is what politrics watch is about bringing awarness 2 light . A channel of substance. Let all hope n pray this young man snap out of depression . He needs theraphy and prayer.. Bless up Sir P. Soooo SAD


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