JDF Soldiers Deployed To Bahamas To Help Local Residents


Soldiers from the JDF have been deployed to the Bahamas to help in the relief efforts going on.

Sometimes there are bad vibes between Islands but in a time like this, we need to put differences aside.

Whatever problems we had with the Bahamas is petty compared to the loss of life and overall destruction the Island has seen.

I for one and proud to see members of the JDF deploy on our behalf to lend a helping hand. We cannot sit around and wait for Americans/Europeans to play the hero every time.

We are perfectly capable of helping each other!

Let’s wish the men and women of the JDF good luck and hope for their safe return.


  1. That’s not a bad idea to help in the Bahamas we’re really happy to help we would be looking for help if it was Jamaica in this position God bless our troops and I hope they do well going there to help

  2. Amen. I agree, well said Sir P . After all we should be our brothers keeper especially in time of need. One Love to Bahamas n prayer for our military service men n women to and fro. Thx for your service and assistance in this tragic circumstance.


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