Pure Madness SMH




  1. If that’s an indication of Jamaica’s future; there’s surely no hope. It’s showing a lack of respect for the opposite sex, lack of respect for any one around there social community and no respect for them selves. It bad Sir.P it really bad.

  2. So so sad.. Tears welled in my eyes watching the brutality against this young girl.. this young man enjoyed showing off his viciousness.. the onlookers cheered him on entertained by the slaughter.. What shameless, soulless madness..

  3. This piece of shit with him bleached out self and him face you already can see his a criminal in the making the way he dealt with that little girl he has no form of respect. I don’t understand why girls are even hanging around boys at this time because sex and pums was said in the video what the heck are these young people talking about that at their age like them grown people. I feel bad for her but she learned a lesson stay away from boys until grown. One woman asked her what happened and she try talk and the tough face boy walking around like he can beat up the world. Jamaica come on we’re the parents though the people that is suppose to be her protector this is crazy these damn kids are getting from bad to worse. God help the weak

  4. If a my daughter Dat
    A gunshot you get boy or you head chop off and put pon you madda kitchen table!! And mi beat everybody inna di video ! God know weh him a do! A him alone
    I wouldn’t kill if a my fleshy dat!!!!!!

  5. What kind of person you think he’s going to become in the future and maybe with all his friends around him he thinks it’s cool and him bad, funny thing at least one person in the mix that doesn’t agree but is too much of a coward to say or do anything

  6. Dat boy and his friends are shameless cruffs. But also its funny no one is talking about why the girl even there in the first place. If she had anything about herself she would be home studying har book and being productive.


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