Gun taken off dead youth in Mobay


Just like that, the gun gets taken and goes back into the “system”


  1. Looks like it’s the same youth that stepped out the store & took the pic of the victim waited until security stepped away & then picked up the weapon.

  2. He’s the same man seen capturing a video or taking a picture of the victim before exiting the building in the first video clip. He’s clearly involved. His role was to confirm the kill.

  3. sir. P the same youth That was taking the picture in the first video is the same one that took up the gun. Look at the clothes and the hair style. And look how him walk pass the police.

  4. He did pick up something but how do we conclude it’s a gun? Could be a phone (with or without valuable information). If it was a gun laying there how comes the police didnt see it? Was this video before or after the police came on scene? If it was after how did they leave a crime scene so unattended ? They have to find him though. Too much spooking around the crime scene


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