Police Officer Shot Up In St James After Meeting In Car Accident


A policeman in St James was shot up after his car got into an accident.

The officer was driving along when his car got smashed into. After stepping out the car to examine the damage he was immediately attacked by some 87 octanes.

They were such terrible shots that the officer managed to survive the attack and also pull out his own weapon to defend himself.

Police are not sure if the car that the officer had the accident with was apart of the setup but it does look suspicious.

It would be a great coincidence that he just happened to get into an accident and some 87s just happened to be at the spot and see him.

Investigations are ongoing but Police are requesting 24-year-old Travis Malcolm, otherwise called β€˜Tipa’ hand over himself to the nearest Police Station.

He is a person of interest as it relates to this shooting.



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