Jamaica Listed As Top 23 Drug Producing Country In The World


US President Donald Trump Has Listed Jamaica as one of the top 23 drug-producing countries in the world.

The list was released to highlight the countries that are the major suppliers of drugs, mainly to the United States,

The countries are not in ranking order, here are the other 22 countries.



Dominican Republic






Costa Rica


El Salvador











The majority of the list seems to be made up of the Caribbean and South American countries. Their proximity to the United States makes them perfect transhipment routes to the United States.

There also isn’t much distinction between the type of drugs; Jamaica mostly produces weed, while other countries mostly produce cocaine.

Weed is now legal in a lot of America States so the attitude towards it needs to be clarified by the US Government.

One thing they don’t know is just how much drugs leave these countries and enter the United States.

The fact is the American lust for drugs makes it very profitable for exporters. Where there is great demand, there will be somebody ready and willing to cash in with the supply.

You can arrest every drug trafficker alive now and there will be 1000 new ones ready to take their place. The American market is just too profitable for these narcos to ignore.

Drug money plays a huge role in Jamaica’s crime rate. A lot of these mini-wars that play out on our streets are between rival gangs who want to control the drug business.

It doesn’t really get reported as that on the news, people just think gang A just hates gang B but there is always a lot more to it than that.

The drugs for gun deals are also a major thorn in the Jamaican people’s sides. Criminals have easy access to weed but instead of selling it for guns, some of them swap it for assault rifles from neighbouring countries.

At the end of the day, America must look at itself first if it wants to stem the flow of drugs into the country.

The link to Trump’s memorandum is here White House Release


  1. That pussy left out China which is the main importers of the drugs that are killing white people out west and choose not to mention the european countries. Hold up! America is the ones protecting poppy fields in the middle east for pharmaceutical companies and drug lords alike smh

    • Exactly. China is the largest fentynal producer and that is currently one of the drugs doing the most damage in America. The list seems a bit dubious to me. Many of the countries listed don’t even produce the drugs they seem to have made it on this list for, instead they are simply countries that fall on the route to the US. Seems the methodology behind this list is flawed.


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